Results for 'Michael J. Wilks'

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    Roman Empire and Christian State in the "De civitate Dei".Michael J. Wilks - 1967 - Augustinus 12 (45):489-510.
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    Gainesville, Florida March 10–13, 2007.Michael Benedikt, Andreas Blass, Natasha Dobrinen, Noam Greenberg, Denis R. Hirschfeldt, Salma Kuhlmann, Hannes Leitgeb, William J. Mitchell & Thomas Wilke - 2007 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 13 (3).
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    (2 other versions)Liberalism and the Limits of Justice.Michael J. Sandel - 1984 - Journal of Philosophy 81 (6):336-343.
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  4. Moral responsibility and ignorance.Michael J. Zimmerman - 1997 - Ethics 107 (3):410-426.
  5. Intrinsic vs. extrinsic value.Michael J. Zimmerman - 2019 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Intrinsic value has traditionally been thought to lie at the heart of ethics. Philosophers use a number of terms to refer to such value. The intrinsic value of something is said to be the value that that thing has “in itself,” or “for its own sake,” or “as such,” or “in its own right.” Extrinsic value is value that is not intrinsic.
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  6. Luck and moral responsibility.Michael J. Zimmerman - 1987 - Ethics 97 (2):374-386.
    The following argument is addressed: (1) a person is morally responsible for an event's occurring only if that event's occurring was not a matter of luck; (2) no event is such that its occurring is not a matter of luck; therefore, (3) no event is such that someone is morally responsible for its occurring. Two notions of control are distinguished: restricted and complete. (2) is shown false on the first interpretation, (1) on the second. The discussion involves a distinction between (...)
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  7. The case against perfection: what's wrong with designer children, bionic athletes, and genetic engineering.Michael J. Sandel - 2011 - In Stephen Holland, Arguing About Bioethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 93.
  8. Nature red in tooth and claw: theism and the problem of animal suffering.Michael J. Murray - 2009 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 66 (3):173-177.
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  9. Is moral obligation objective or subjective?Michael J. Zimmerman - 2006 - Utilitas 18 (4):329-361.
    Many philosophers hold that whether an act is overall morally obligatory is an ‘objective’ matter, many that it is a ‘subjective’ matter, and some that it is both. The idea that it is or can be both may seem to promise a helpful answer to the question ‘What ought I to do when I do not know what I ought to do?’ In this article, three broad views are distinguished regarding what it is that obligation essentially concerns: the maximization of (...)
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  10. Moral luck: A partial map.Michael J. Zimmerman - 2006 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 36 (4):585-608.
    University of North Carolina at Greensboro Greensboro, NC 27402-6170, USA.
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  11. Ethics and infectious disease.Michael J. Selgelid - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (3):272–289.
    This seminal collection on the ethical issues associated with infectious disease is the first book to correct bioethics’ glaring neglect of this subject. Timely in view of public concern about SARS, AIDS, avian flu, bioterrorism and antibiotic resistance. Brings together new and classic papers by prominent figures. Tackles the ethical issues associated with issues such as quarantine, vaccination policy, pandemic planning, biodefense, wildlife disease and health care in developing countries.
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  12. Moderate eugenics and human enhancement.Michael J. Selgelid - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (1):3-12.
    Though the reputation of eugenics has been tarnished by history, eugenics per se is not necessarily a bad thing. Many advocate a liberal new eugenics—where individuals are free to choose whether or not to employ genetic technologies for reproductive purposes. Though genetic interventions aimed at the prevention of severe genetic disorders may be morally and socially acceptable, reproductive liberty in the context of enhancement may conflict with equality. Enhancement could also have adverse effects on utility. The enhancement debate requires a (...)
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  13. Dignity, rights, and self-control.Michael J. Meyer - 1989 - Ethics 99 (3):520-534.
  14.  41
    Image-based object recognition in man, monkey and machine.Michael J. Tarr & Heinrich H. Bülthoff - 1998 - Cognition 67 (1-2):1-20.
  15.  68
    Moral reasoning "on hold" during a competitive game.Michael J. Reall, Jeffrey J. Bailey & Sharon K. Stoll - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (11):1205-1210.
    When a person engages in a "game," that person may reason and behave in a manner that is inconsistent with non-game-situation moral reasoning. In this study we measured moral reasoning with the Defining Issues Test (DIT). We then engaged the students in a competitive game and collected accounts of their "reasoning" by having them explain their decisions with a forced choice inventory. The results indicate that there were significant inconsistencies in moral reasoning between non-game and game situations. The implications of (...)
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  16. Deus absconditus.Michael J. Murray - 2001 - In Daniel Howard-Snyder & Paul Moser, Divine Hiddenness: New Essays. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 63.
  17. Humanitarian intervention: An overview of the ethical issues.Michael J. Smith - 1998 - Ethics and International Affairs 12:63–79.
    This essay analyzes the arguments justifying or opposing the notion of humanitarian intervention from realist and liberal perspectives and considers the difficulties of undertaking such interventions effectively and consistently.
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    Human memory and the information-processing metaphor.Michael J. Watkins - 1981 - Cognition 10 (1-3):331-336.
  19.  44
    Making Quantitative Research Work: From Positivist Dogma to Actual Social Scientific Inquiry.Michael J. Zyphur & Dean C. Pierides - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (1):49-62.
    Researchers misunderstand their role in creating ethical problems when they allow dogmas to purportedly divorce scientists and scientific practices from the values that they embody. Cortina, Edwards, and Powell help us clarify and further develop our position by responding to our critique of, and alternatives to, this misleading separation. In this rebuttal, we explore how the desire to achieve the separation of facts and values is unscientific on the very terms endorsed by its advocates—this separation is refuted by empirical observation. (...)
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    Respecting What We Destroy: Reflections on Human Embryo Research.Michael J. Meyer & Lawrence J. Nelson - 2001 - Hastings Center Report 31 (1):16-23.
    The thought that human embryos could command moral respect yet also be acceptably used in medical research has struck some as incoherent. Given some assumptions about why they deserve respect, however, the thought is not objectionable, indeed not even unusual.
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    Anatomy of a decision: Striato-orbitofrontal interactions in reinforcement learning, decision making, and reversal.Michael J. Frank & Eric D. Claus - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (2):300-326.
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  22. The Virtue of Courage in Entrepreneurship.Michael J. Naughton & Jeffrey R. Cornwall - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (1):69-93.
    The paper examines the problematic understanding of “risk” in entrepreneurial literature that locates courage in either the loss orgain of having or in the difficulty and hardship of the doing. We argue in this paper that what is lost in this vernacular view of courage is a deeper notion of the subjective dimension of work and the social need of society. Grounded within the Catholic social and moral tradition, we find a richer notion of courage, which in part corrects and (...)
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    English decadence and the concept of visual perspective.Michael J. O'Neal - 1983 - British Journal of Aesthetics 23 (3):240-251.
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    Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue.Nigel Paneth & Michael J. Joyner - 2018 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 61 (4):467-471.
    Any human enterprise that consumes billions of dollars, especially when those dollars are those of citizen tax payers, should be subject to at least occasional scrutiny and stock-taking. This Special Issue of Perspectives in Biology and Medicine is an attempt to do just that: to ask whether the massive investment of money, equipment and human scientific talent that has been poured into studying the human genome under the assumption that this enormous scientific endeavor will advance human health has been worth (...)
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  25. Four arguments that the cognitive psychology of religion undermines the justification of religious belief.Michael J. Murray - manuscript
    Over the last decade a handful of cognitive models of religious belief have begun to coalesce in the literature. Attempts to offer “scientific explanations of religious belief ” are nothing new, stretching back at least as far as David Hume, and perhaps as far back as Cicero. What is also not new is a belief that scientific explanations of religious belief serve in some way to undermine the justification for those beliefs.
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    Performance of the nictitating membrane CR following CS-US interval shifts.Robert T. Ross, Michael J. Scavio, Karen Erikson & I. Gormezano - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (3):189-192.
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    Nietzsche, Soloveitchik and Contemporary Jewish Philosophy.Daniel Rynhold & Michael J. Harris - 2018 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    What does one do as a Jewish philosopher if one is convinced by much of the Nietzschean critique of religion? Is there a contemporary Jewish philosophical theology that can convince in a post-metaphysical age? The argument of this book is that Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik - the leading twentieth-century exponent of Modern Orthodoxy - presents an interpretation of halakhic Judaism, grounded in traditional sources, that brings a life-affirming Nietzschean sensibility to the religious life. Soloveitchik develops a form of Judaism replete with (...)
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  28. Spontaneity and Freedom in Leibniz.Michael J. Murray - 2005 - In Donald Rutherford & J. A. Cover, Leibniz: nature and freedom. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 194--216.
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    Hierarchy, social pathology and the failure of recognition theory.Michael J. Thompson - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (1):10-26.
    This article argues that the dynamics behind the generation of social pathologies in modern society also undermine the social-relational framework for recognition. It therefore claims that the theory of recognition is impotent in face of the kinds of normative power exerted by social hierarchies. The article begins by discussing the particular forms of social pathology and their relation to hierarchical forms of social structure that are based on domination, control and subordination and then shows how the internalization of the norms (...)
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  30. Bayesian confirmation of theories that incorporate idealizations.Michael J. Shaffer - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (1):36-52.
    Following Nancy Cartwright and others, I suggest that most (if not all) theories incorporate, or depend on, one or more idealizing assumptions. I then argue that such theories ought to be regimented as counterfactuals, the antecedents of which are simplifying assumptions. If this account of the logic form of theories is granted, then a serious problem arises for Bayesians concerning the prior probabilities of theories that have counterfactual form. If no such probabilities can be assigned, the the posterior probabilities will (...)
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    Synthetic synaesthesia and sensory substitution.Michael J. Proulx - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):501-503.
    Visual information can be provided to blind users through sensory substitution devices that convert images into sound. Through extensive use to develop expertise, some blind users have reported visual experiences when using such a device. These blind expert users have also reported visual phenomenology to other sounds even when not using the device. The blind users acquired synthetic synaesthesia, with visual experience evoked by sounds only after gaining such expertise. Sensorimotor learning may facilitate and perhaps even be required to develop (...)
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    Statistics and Probability Have Always Been Value-Laden: An Historical Ontology of Quantitative Research Methods.Michael J. Zyphur & Dean C. Pierides - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (1):1-18.
    Quantitative researchers often discuss research ethics as if specific ethical problems can be reduced to abstract normative logics (e.g., virtue ethics, utilitarianism, deontology). Such approaches overlook how values are embedded in every aspect of quantitative methods, including ‘observations,’ ‘facts,’ and notions of ‘objectivity.’ We describe how quantitative research practices, concepts, discourses, and their objects/subjects of study have always been value-laden, from the invention of statistics and probability in the 1600s to their subsequent adoption as a logic made to appear as (...)
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  33.  21
    Agency and Integrality: Philosophical Themes in the Ancient Discussions of Determinism and Responsibility.Michael J. White - 1985 - Springer.
    It is not very surprising that it was no less true in antiquity than it is today that adult human beings are held to be responsible for most of their actions. Indeed, virtually all cultures in all historical periods seem to have had some conception of human agency which, in the absence of certain responsibility-defeating conditions, entails such responsibility. Few philosophers have had the temerity to maintain that this entailment is trivial because such responsibility-defeating conditions are always present. Another not (...)
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    Edinburgh LCF: a mechanised logic of computation.Michael J. C. Gordon - 1979 - New York: Springer Verlag. Edited by R. Milner & Christopher P. Wadsworth.
    Arising from a graduate course taught to math and engineering students, this text provides a systematic grounding in the theory of Hamiltonian systems, as well as introducing the theory of integrals and reduction. A number of other topics are covered too.
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    Fatalism and causal determinism: An aristotelian essay.Michael J. White - 1981 - Philosophical Quarterly 31 (124):231-241.
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  36. Bayesianism, convergence and social epistemology.Michael J. Shaffer - 2008 - Episteme 5 (2):pp. 203-219.
    Following the standard practice in sociology, cultural anthropology and history, sociologists, historians of science and some philosophers of science define scientific communities as groups with shared beliefs, values and practices. In this paper it is argued that in real cases the beliefs of the members of such communities often vary significantly in important ways. This has rather dire implications for the convergence defense against the charge of the excessive subjectivity of subjective Bayesianism because that defense requires that communities of Bayesian (...)
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  37. Knowledge of Abstract Objects in Physics and Mathematics.Michael J. Shaffer - 2017 - Acta Analytica 32 (4):397-409.
    In this paper a parallel is drawn between the problem of epistemic access to abstract objects in mathematics and the problem of epistemic access to idealized systems in the physical sciences. On this basis it is argued that some recent and more traditional approaches to solving these problems are problematic.
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  38. Social theories of ignorance.Michael J. Smithson - 2008 - In Robert N. Proctor & Londa Schiebinger, Agnotology: The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance. Stanford University Press Stanford, California. pp. 209--229.
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  39. A Thoroughly Modern Wager.Michael J. Shaffer - 2017 - Logos and Episteme 8 (2):207-231.
    This paper presents a corrected version of Pascal's wager that makes it consonant with modern decision theory. The corrected wager shows that not committing to God's existence is the rational choice.
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    A very human being: Sister Marie Simone Roach, 1922–2016.Michael J. Villeneuve, Verena Tschudin, Janet Storch, Marsha D. M. Fowler & Elizabeth Peter - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (4):283-289.
    Sister (Sr.) Marie Simone Roach, of the Sisters of St. Martha of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, died at the Motherhouse on 2 July 2016 at the age of 93, leaving behind a rich legacy of theoretical and practical work in the areas of care, caring and nursing ethics. She was a humble soul whose deep and scholarly thinking thrust her onto the global nursing stage where she will forever be tied to a central concept in nursing, caring, through her Six Cs (...)
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    Comment: Holding Psychopaths Morally and Criminally Culpable.Michael J. Vitacco, Steven K. Erickson & David A. Lishner - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (4):423-425.
    Theoretical arguments that psychopathy eliminates individual responsibility for illegal behavior and can therefore serve as a basis for an insanity defense are largely premised on emotional characteristics of psychopathy that impede the individual’s capacity to appreciate right from wrong. We offer arguments and countervailing evidence indicating psychopaths do have the capacity to appreciate right from wrong and therefore should not be absolved of criminal responsibility.
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  42. Beyond Substrata and Bundles: A Prolegomenon to a Substance Ontology.Michael J. Loux - 1998 - In C. MacDonald S. Laurence, Contemporary Readings in the Foundations of Metaphysics. Blackwell. pp. 233.
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    Just liability and reciprocity reasons for treating wounded soldiers.Michael J. Selgelid - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (2):19 – 21.
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    A new class of membrane‐associated calcium‐binding proteins.Raymond J. Owens & Michael J. Crumpton - 1984 - Bioessays 1 (2):61-63.
    Calcium ions act as modulators of many fundamental processes in eukaryotic cells. Although these processes apparently involve initial interactions between calcium ions and cell membranes, the identity of the putative membrane Ca2+‐binding proteins has until recently been obscure. This article describes a recently discovered family of mammalian membrane proteins, of perhaps ancient origin, that may fulfil this function.
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    Improving global health: Counting reasons why.Michael J. Selgelid - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 8 (2):115-125.
    This paper examines cumulative ethical and self-interested reasons why wealthy developed nations should be motivated to do more to improve health care in developing countries. Egalitarian and human rights reasons why wealthy nations should do more to improve global health are that doing so would (1) promote equality of opportunity, (2) improve the situation of the worst-off, (3) promote respect of the human right to have one's most basic needs met, and (4) reduce undeserved inequalities in well-being. Utilitarian reasons for (...)
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    Cue-overload theory and the method of interpolated attributes.Michael J. Watkins & Olga C. Watkins - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (3):289-291.
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    Authorization and the Right to Punish in Hobbes.Michael J. Green - 2015 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 97 (1):113-139.
    This article answers questions about the consistency, coherence, and motivation of Hobbes's account of the right to punish. First, it develops a novel account of authorization that explains how Hobbes could have consistently held both that the subjects do not give the sovereign the right to punish and also that they authorize the sovereign to punish. Second, it shows that, despite appearances, the natural and artificial elements of Hobbes's account form a coherent whole. Finally, it explains why Hobbes thought it (...)
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  48. Evidential arguments from evil. Co-Written & Michael J. Almeida - 2006 - In Graham Robert Oppy, Arguing About Gods. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    The Demand for Bijurally Trained Canadian Lawyers.Kevin E. Davis & Michael J. Trebilcock - 2006 - In Albert Breton & M. J. Trebilcock, Bijuralism: an economic approach. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Pub. Company. pp. 173.
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    (1 other version)Introduction to 11.4.Jodi Dean & Michael J. Shapiro - forthcoming - Theory and Event 11 (4).
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